Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Hypocrisy and the hypocritical hypocrites who hypocrisize

"The only vice that cannot be forgiven is hypocrisy. The repentance of a hypocrite is itself hypocrisy."
William Hazlitt
They just can't help themselves. When Liberal Dems start talking, it's as if they disengage the part of their brain that stops them from making contradictory statements. Whether it's flip-flopping on a postion, or demanding behavior from others that they themselves don't follow, it's non-stop. What's that? Some examples? OK...

Nancy "The Eyebrows" Pelosi
I'm certain that being amazed at the things that come out of her own mouth was the inspiration to her tweeze job. I mean, it has to be. No sane person would want to wear that surprised expression constantly, on purpose.
What she says - That labor unions are essential for worker rights and accepted the Cesar Chavez Award for their contributions to the labor movement.
What she does - Uses non-union labor in the hotels, restaurants, and Napa Valley Vineyard that she owns.
What she says - She proclaims herself to be an environmentalist, calling the evil Conservatives to the carpet for running roughshod over the environment.
What she does - She is part-owner of a golf course that failed to comply with state environmental regulations to protect the California Tiger Salamander and the Western Pond Turtle. In 1996 she was granted a permit to build the course if they created natural habitats for these endangered species. To date, these habitats still have not been built. The golf course has also been cited for polluting groundwater. They have hired lobbyists to fight the regulations.
What she says - She proclaimed that this Congress would be the most honest, leaving behind the "Culture of Corruption". She claimed that the minimum wage increase was needed for all Americans, bringing up the fact that Republicans had not raised the minimum wage in over 10 years.
What she does - The bill was passed through along with an exemption from the federally mandated wage hike to American Samoa. American Samoa is home to Starkist Tuna, employer for nearly 75% of the islands workforce. Starkist is owned by Del Monte, who resides in Pelosi's district. Coincidence, I think not.

Ted Kennedy
Jonah Goldberg asked, "Is there a more execrable, horrid parody of an American statesman alive today than Ted Kennedy?" I don't believe so Jonah.
What he says - Constantly bellowing on the floor of the Senate about how the rich need to pay their fair share and favors the estate tax, along with any other tax that can relieve the workers of the country from their earned pay.
What he does - The Kennedys have transferred more than half a billion in money from generation to generation but according to their own records paid only $ 34,000 in estate taxes. Their largest asset, the Merchandise Mart real estate company, was in a trust domiciled in Fiji.
What he says - Yammers in his Gin-cracked voice about the oil companies which cause pollution and global warming, forgetting of course that they also provide income and jobs to thousands, and the lifeblood of our nation's economy.
What he does - The Kennedys own their own Oil Company, Arctic Royalty Trust, which leases out land for oil drilling in five states. The Kennedys set the operation up as a Royalty Trust to avoid paying income and corporate taxes on the profits. Family members including Ted Kennedy, environmentalist Robert Kennedy, Jr., and Joe Kennedy, Jr. receive checks every year.
I'm sorry Teddy, once you leave a campaign worker to die in your car, you lose the right to denigrate anyone. Now if only the asshats in Mass would learn that and boot his bloated, pickled ass out of office.

And then there's Hillary's latest hypocrisy.
What she says - If she knew then what she knows now, she would never have voted on the resolution authorizing military action in Iraq. She wants you to believe that Bush lied to her and fooled her into believing him so he could (pick one)
a. Avenge his daddy after the death threats from OBL.
b. Finish what his daddy started.
c. Enrich his oil cronies
d. All of the above.
What she does - In 2003, speaking before the hygenically-challenged members of Code Pink, she apologized for not being able to agree with their position on the resolution and vote against the use of military action in Iraq. She explained that she had to vote for the resolution after a 2 year self-researched, in depth study of all the available information. In her opinion Hussein posed an imminent threat both to his neighbors in the Mideast and to the world at large. Amazing at what 4 years and a wee bit of megalomania will do to your memory.
William Hazlitt also wrote, "Asleep, no man is a hypocrite." I sincerely believe that these three must suffer from the worst case of insomnia ever recorded.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Same Sh*t, different year

So it's a new year and yet, many things have not changed. For starters I am about 3 months behind on posting. There was one big change. The Dems now control both houses of Congress. But with the way the Republicans have been acting and spending, well, some things never change. So, with that said, here's a list of a few things that continue with little change.
1. That damn Bush Economy - According to the libs the economy is in the crapper and getting worse. We are on our way to a new depression-era and the only thing that will stop it is to repeal the Bush tax cuts and take more of their money out of your incompetent hands. I mean really, who would know better how to spend your money? Them, or you? What they still can't explain is how we have the most improved growth ever. They can't explain how an economy this bad has unemployment at almost historical lows. The US has the strongest economy the world has ever known. Ever. The Dems are starting to come around though. Since they won the House and Senate the media has begun to grudgingly acknowledge the strength of our economy. You don't suppose it's because they now want to take credit for it do you?
2. Global warming -or- "Hot enough for ya?". Texas is hit by an ice storm of biblical proportions, shutting down a 300 mile stretch of I-10. Over 5 feet of snow blankets Colorado. The San Joaquin Valley is blasted by subzero weather destroying billions of dollars of citrus. And yet they can't stop crying about how "We" (that means you and I, not the elitist snobs driving their Prius's/Priusi/Priuseses) are causing the Earth harm by having an industrialized, capitalist society. "If only the means of production were shut down and the means of transporting that production were shut down, the Earth would be saved". The thing they fail to mention is that their proof of these ridiculous claims are based on the worst junk science and computer models that only work if coerced to produce the right figures. Weren't these the same asshats who, in the '70's, wanted to melt the polar ice caps to prevent an impending new Ice Age?
Illegal Aliens (and no, I don't mean undocumented workers) - Debate still rages about what to do about the invasion from the south. Approval was given to erect several hundred miles of fencing along our southern border. However, that still leaves about three times as much still open. Now comes the fight to see if it will ever actually be built. I'll give you a hint - don't hold your breath.
Two Border Patrol agents shoot a man fleeing towards the border after being caught with a couple of hundred pounds of doobage in a van. Is the illegal drug smuggler in jail? No. Dead? No. He was offered immunity to testify against the 2 agents who now face 12 years in prison. Meanwhile, the douchebag, I mean, plaintiff, has been caught yet again smuggling herb across the border. Ah, now he's in jail, right? No. Again, he has been offered immunity. Meanwhile, the 2 agents have been denied release on bond while appealing their sentence. That seems fair. It also seems like business as usual.
Minimum Wage - I am a firm believer that upon being sworn in as Senators or Representatives, our congressmen should then be whisked off to Camp David to attend an Economics 101 course. That way they couldn't pretend to be so ignorant about the policies they try to enact. We live in a free trade society and the market should decide the going wage for a given job. For most employees it does just that. 1/10 of 1% of Americans work for minimum wage, and of those, only a minute handful are not among the groups traditionally working for minimum wage - teens entering the work force, and those working a secondary job. The rest of those working for $5.15 an hour are those who deserve it. On average, most employees are given a raise after approximately 6 months and move up from there. People gain experience and move on to better paying positions or jobs. They make themselves more marketable by acquiring skills that employers are looking for. The minimum wage was never intended to be a wage one could sustain a family on, and it was never meant to be a lifelong wage. it is a BEGINNING wage. But now the libs have decided to make us pay for the "right" to a "liveable wage".
Since it only effects companies with more than 15 employees, I am exempt from their tactics. However, I have never paid anyone who works for me anywhere near the minimum wage. I pay an amount that is commensurate with the skill set I need to get a job done.
Nancy "Eyebrows" Pelosi is the major proponent of this legislature. I'll give you two guesses as to who enacted the first loophole to exclude the largest employer in her districit from this extortion. That's right, "Eyebrows" herself.
Well, that's enough for now. I'll get to each of these individually as soon as possible. One of my resolutions was to post more regularly. One of my others was to stop drinking the coffee creamer straight from the tap at the local gas staion/coffee stop. I'm not telling which one though. I'm also not sure which resolution will be broken first.
Hal Borland once wrote, "Year's end is neither an end nor a beginning but a going on, with all the wisdom that experience can instill in us." Let's pray that he was right.